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Among the best Resident Evil games

Among the best Resident Evil games

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Program license: Paid

Works under: Windows

Also available for Mac Android


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Mac Android


  • Revolutionary blend of action and horror elements.
  • Compelling story with a thrilling rescue mission focus.
  • Robust combat system that rewards strategy and skill.
  • Memorable level design and atmospheric setting.


  • Dated graphics that don’t meet modern standards.
  • Quick Time Events that can feel clunky and interruptive.
  • Control system occasionally cumbersome by current norms.

An intense, survival horror spectacle, "Resident Evil 4" continues to leave its mark on the gaming landscape with its suspenseful narrative and groundbreaking gameplay mechanics. Developed by Capcom, this unique installment stands out in the Resident Evil series for its shift from traditional survival horror to a more action-oriented approach.

Revitalizing Horror Through Focused Narrative and Gameplay

The story of "Resident Evil 4" pivots from the typical zombie outbreak scenario to a more intimate rescue mission. Players assume the role of Leon S. Kennedy, a seasoned survivor of the Raccoon City incident, now a special agent tasked with the high-stakes mission to retrieve the kidnapped daughter of the U.S. President, Ashley Graham. The quest leads Leon to a mysterious village in Spain, where he confronts not only hostile locals but also becomes entangled with the sinister Los Illuminados cult.

This title stands as a pillar in the franchise, with many praising it as one of the top entries in the series. Its straightforward narrative allows for a concentrated focus on its core mechanics, keeping players fully engaged in Leon's harrowing journey.

Combining Action with Survival Horror

"Resident Evil 4" has been lauded for its finely-tuned blend of action and horror that has set a new standard for third-person shooters. The combat system is robust, offering an assortment of weapons and tactics that players must utilize strategically to survive against the increasingly formidable foes. The enemies in this game are not just mindless zombies; they can dodge, wield weapons, and coordinate attacks, requiring the player to be both aggressive and cautious.

In addition to gunplay, "Resident Evil 4" introduces context-sensitive controls, such as allowing players to execute swift actions to avoid obstacles and enemies' attacks, adding a dynamic layer to the otherwise cumbersome controls that characterized previous installments.

Visual Presentation and Atmosphere

While "Resident Evil 4" is undoubtedly an older title, its graphical presentation at the time of release represented a significant leap forward for the series and the genre. However, judged by contemporary standards, the graphics may seem dated, with textures and character models lacking the fidelity of modern gaming experiences. Yet, the art direction and environmental design remain phenomenal, creating a haunting and oppressive atmosphere that continues to captivate players even years after its initial release.

The game's sound design deserves a particular note, as it wonderfully enhances the spine-tingling atmosphere with aural cues that signal nearby dangers, player actions, and environmental interactions, cementing the immersive horror experience.

Areas Showing Their Age

While the game introduced many innovations, some mechanics now feel antiquated. The Quick Time Events (QTE), a series of button prompts during cinematic sequences, can disrupt the flow of gameplay and often feel more frustrating than engaging. These sections might seem jarring to players accustomed to the seamless cinematic gameplay of newer titles.


Although "Resident Evil 4" faces challenges in its aging mechanics and visual appeal, its excellent level design and gameplay innovation make it a must-play title for fans of action-horror games and the Resident Evil series. Its stellar reputation as a landmark title in both the franchise and the genre as a whole remains well-deserved, offering a challenging but rewarding experience for both newcomers and series veterans.


  • Revolutionary blend of action and horror elements.
  • Compelling story with a thrilling rescue mission focus.
  • Robust combat system that rewards strategy and skill.
  • Memorable level design and atmospheric setting.


  • Dated graphics that don’t meet modern standards.
  • Quick Time Events that can feel clunky and interruptive.
  • Control system occasionally cumbersome by current norms.